Sunday 15 September 2024

Blanik Meerah

This will be puppy Meerah, (Hebrew for Princess) Whilst all the babies are here, she will still be known as Amber. It's not necessarily been an easy decision but from a show dog point of view, it has always been Amber for me. Apart from conformation and coat, I also like her attitude and the way she carries herself on the move. (Holding her wither height) She's always the first to do everything and always the first to go a little further. It's not been an easy decision as Opal is just a darling, she has stolen my heart, honestly it will break my heart to let her go, but I know she will have a wonderful life with her new family. Jet is fab, and Lynne who handles Beti suggest I should keep both, but I knew from the off that he was not staying, and a perfect pet home is far more important than a "show home!"  
Amber appears lighter in the stance photo than she actually is, I think the sun was on her but under the cloud as we took photos of the others. Anyway what happens now as regards to colour, well we can never predict with sables!!!!