Sunday 1 September 2024

Baby Brain

Today, one of the families of prospective puppy purchasers were visiting to meet the Siska and the kids. With no inhibitions I bought Siska into the living room, She approached the family and then took a step back and barked, OMG Siska barked at someone. WOW, Steve and I were shocked, totally taken aback at her reaction. Siska is so laid back that at shows people take the piss out of her easy going attitude. I can only surmise that her hormones are playing tricks on her. I guess this is the earliest we've allowed "strangers" in to see a litter and as she is totally besotted with her pups maybe she felt a tad uncomfortable? I really don't know and sadly it's not a question I'll get an answer to. Anyway, she did settle quickly and it was good for the pups to start meeting more people. The family also got to meet some of the adults, though sadly Orin was in the pen. Beti was her usually exuberant self, bloody hell you can tell we don't get many visitors, she was over the moon and certainly wanted to be the centre of attention. 
This afternoon Sharon and Mark who own Lucca came over, they were smitten, and though Siska has only met Mark once or twice she was fine with him, of course she loves Sharon. 
Tomorrow the little ones are 4 weeks, weigh in and photos day, if they fit on the puppy scales!!!!