Monday 2 September 2024

No Decisions

Siska is still besotted with her kids. She goes in and out of the pen to suite herself, but still likes to go in to sleep and play as well as feed, wash and clean. 
I went to bed last night, yes for the whole night! The night light Carrie gave me stays on all night, and I had the camera on with the phone on all night in the bedroom, I glanced at it often, but did have decent nights sleep. 
Weaning is very slow as Siska is still feeding them, I've had litters almost completely weaned by this stage, but it's her call, I'm going with her rules. 
Photos posted on Facebook today have caused the usual chat, Oh not coats today, but which one is staying? OK, well everyone knows my preference is a S/C and at the moment Amber is catching my eye for more than her coat. Though there is little between them, I like her slightly busier personality ... and if it comes to just coat to separate them, then Amber will be staying. But of course it's too early really, so no I haven't made up my mind, but no surprises, I am leaning towards Amber.