Thursday 5 September 2024

The News Today

Well look who came out today. We only went round the bottom field once but I'm sure the break did her good. I put her in a crate when I got back and took the little ones to the garden, they just loved it, but were too pooped to eat when we came back in. 10 mins of madness and they are knackered. The changes and development is just wonderful.

Ross' wound looks ok. He seems oblivious of it today. Another mystery I suppose, I certainly didn't see anything happen, but of course they are so stoic that he may have not "said" anything about it at the time. If you open the photo you can see the Sudocrem just behind his shoulders. He and Beti are just partners in crime so maybe it did happen in a moment of madness. 
Rightly or wrongly, I'm feeling really blessed to still have my Sammi Belle today. The loss of her sibling from that amazing Christmas litter brings home their advancing years. Sammi seems as fit as a flea, she and Beti race around like idiots, but of course we never know do we!
Luna was "Jingle" in the litter, a sweet little pup who had a wonderful life with Lisa and family. They will miss her so much and my heart goes out to them in their loss. 
Sammi was Kaiah's mum in the J litter of three, she is also the Dam of the K litter, so through Orin she is Beti's grandmother, and through Siska is great-grandmother to the M litter of gemstones. She's always been a special girl and I decided very early on that she would be my "keeper" in that litter. For showing she was just a little on the big size, but she still managed her stud book number and her ShCM. If she is this fit at Xmas, well she may like to go to Manchester Ch. with Beti bam-ba-lam