Monday 9 September 2024

Toad In The Kitchen

This morning we got up to Orin's alarm and let him out first, but it seemed like he didn't need to go out, he just wanted to get up. It was too late for Captain Shitalot and he had pooed in his bed in his sleep.Though I'm pissed off to be greeted by it most mornings, I don't show it to Loki, the lad in incontinent, there is nothing he can do about it. To be honest, it's easily cleaned and a lot easier to deal with than urine, but it's no fun first thing in the morning.
The puppies sleep in the pen in the kitchen, Siska is still sleeping in the kitchen, with access to come and go into the pen as it suits her. This morning I noticed she'd ruffled up her bedding, (on the outside of the pen) but I took little notice of it. For her privacy, the kitchen door is obviously closed overnight, and has been closed for most of the first month of the puppies lives, but over the last week I've been leaving it open more during the day so the pups hear and see more. To get outside from the kitchen the pups have to go through the utility room into the "middle room" which we call the dogs bedroom, then through that room and out into the garden. Last night, with the door still open and whilst I was talking to mum they did it. It was pretty windy and drizzly, but they didn't care and I stood on the doorstep as they played in receding lights. At the end of the call I got them in, shut the door and previous experience told me to blocked off the cat flap!!!!  They played in that room for a further 5mins before nodding off one after the other. I carried them back to bed and went to watch "Grace." At 10pm they had their last meal followed by 30 mins of play in the kitchen, and then they were put to bed. So this is the question ... how was there a toad in the kitchen this morning?? When did it come in? Just, well how? Anyone? LOL 
Anyway, he was between the puppy pen and the wall, poor little chap. I carried him out into the garden and warned him not to come back .. but .. how????  No not a cat ... he simply has had to have come in through the open door, and somehow, unseen made his way into the kitchen yesterday evening.  I have a love of amphibians ... but not in my kitchen! 
I'm still waiting for my glasses, yes another pair, but a duplicate as Beti shredded the last pair! It's been extremely difficult walking round in computer glasses for the last 10 days, how I haven't broken a leg or something I don't know. Being without glasses is not possible, the blurriness of these glasses is easier to deal with than the double vision of trying to be without them. Who would have thought that the stress of 2022-2023 could affect sight in this way, but I suppose I'm lucky I came through it only seeing two!😎