Monday 11 July 2022

The L Litter

 Our last lot of babies were 18 months on the 9th. Wow, where did the time go? Thank you so much for photos of 3 of the 4 in the album. I'll cherish them. 


And of course our "treasure" Miss Siska - Another photo to make me laugh, classic Ross.
"She took me bloody ball!" 
I know she's only 18 months and god knows when she'll get a second season but I can't help think ahead to next year, and I can't see better than Zalu! The mating would have no common ancestors in 5 generations and a COI of 3.7% - sounds good to me. Like Siska he has a total hip score of 10, 0 Elbows, is DM, PD and Haemophilia "A" clear and Breed Survey Class 1. I think he was also the first L/C male to get a CC.