Thursday 28 July 2022


Interesting read on a breed Facebook page about what stud dog owners require from breeders to allow them to use their dogs at stud. Everyone has their own principles and ideas. I refused one this week, she was willing to do health checks, but the bitch had no KC registration. She thought I was very unreasonable, but my dog, my principals, my rules. I understand she will probably go elsewhere, but I don't want to be partly responsible for an influx of unregistered dogs. Someone answered on the post saying she would allow her dog to be used in a similar situation, as long as the health tests were successful, "after all," she said, "at least you'll know they will be nice examples from healthy parents." Yeah, I get it, but, whether I'm cutting my nose to spite my face or not, it's still a no. 
 On the same post others insisted on a maximum hip and elbow scores on the bitches, they would not allow their dog to be used on a bitch with a score over a certain figure - other saying there's more to consider than hips and elbows. An outstanding female with a slightly high score could be a loss to the gene pool, yeah I agree ... so that situation must be dealt with on an individual basis, and the scores of bitch's ancestors obviously considered. There must be a cut-off point, as you know I refused the bi-coloured bitch as she had an elbow score of three, no matter the family history, it doesn't get worse than that.