Thursday 21 July 2022

Louis' Birthday (21/07/03)

These "memories" are sometimes just too much to bear. But now I usually think of him with a smile instead of a tear. Without him in my life for 9 years my life would have been a much emptier/sadder place. As a puppy I was advised by the people in the know not to keep him as he would be too short in foreleg for a show career, I was told his brother was better. But I didn't listen, I went with my gut, this little dog had my heart. I guess they were right to a degree, he was smaller than some - though still easily within the standard, and he had a fantastic show career. He was an Amazing boy inside and out. He was my world, my best friend, my mister "Amazing," my dog in a lifetime, he was my Louis. Happy Birthday where every you are today my precious boy and thank you for the wonderful memories.