Saturday 2 July 2022

The Four Generations

Yesterday Ziva tried to do a Lia, sadly I had to intervene and tell her it was not her job and that we would take charge of the situation. Steve and I were struggling to get Siska's nails cut, she was screaming, shouting and bucking about when Ziva decided that she would put her in her place for us. Sadly, with bitches I just couldn't allow it and sent Ziva packing. Bitches hold grudges and I doubt a young Siska would let it go if "old" granny had tried to tell her off when she couldn't stick up for herself, worse still Kaiah would not have allowed it! 
Years ago I saw Lia put Jake firmly in his place when the humans had failed, and I have see similar behaviour from Orin with Siska on a couple of occasions. Linda's precious Jake had a sore ear and was fighting Linda when she tried to put the drops in. I went over to help, but Jake was having none of it, to be honest he was like a fecking crocodile and we were fighting a loosing battle. Lia had been lying there quietly when all of a sudden she jumped in and gave him a right shaking, guess what? Linda never had trouble putting drops in Jakes ears again. It was remarkable to watch, she must have though we were bloody idiots as did Ziva yesterday ... but like I said bitches hold grudges and I just couldn't let it happen.