Monday 25 July 2022

Nos Da Dad

It's been one of the hardest days of my adult life, I can only thank those who stood shoulder to shoulder with us to get us through today. The cards, e.mails, texts, calls and messages all mean so much, but some who I thought would be there for me have been conspicuous by their absence. (or silence)  Today was emotional beyond belief, but a wonderful tribute to my lovely Dad. Still it was difficult, and I can't think of many worse situations than to be sat 2ft away from a coffin of a loved one in a very religious ceremony when you yourself find no comfort or solace from religion. Of course doing the right thing is important, my parents are religious and honouring their beliefs was a must. Thank you to all who have supported us and stood by us, not just today, but throughout these last difficult months. 
We've lost the first battle, but typically now we have dates for the second battle, and I'm f*cking damned if we are going to lose that one!