Thursday 2 June 2022

Walking Tales

Great start, I guess we'll reschedule the walk!
The joker and the queen. Jezi was lame this morning but we still opted for our walk which she loved. Only a slight limp so I guess it was well worth it
With sheep and cattle everywhere I changed direction for walk two but still found myself avoiding sheep. 
It was better at Llyn Cop but I still managed to get myself in a tizz. I was walking the middle path when I noticed sheep to my left and a black Labrador to my right.  I faffed and fiddled to get leads out and carried on. I check that I had my phone .. nope! I then spent the next 10-15 mins looking for it, wishing I could get someone to ring it for me! LOL Stressed hot and hungry I got home to an alarming text from my brother, but after talking to mum I'm much more relaxed. 
Someone forgot the meaning of wait, but I guess it's a lovely view!