Monday 13 June 2022

Puppies And Potential Buyers

 A few weeks ago I was honoured when a lady who has been involved in GSD's (almost forever) contacted me and asked when I would be breeding next. I was really flattered, as the lady and her mother before her used to show under the Gorsefield affix. Anyway the lady had used Dexi a long time ago, but now her line had come to an end and she found herself with just Lancashire Heelers. I told her I would probably be breeding from Siska next and that would not be till next year, she said she would wait. Compliment indeed. 
Last night the lady contacted me again and said she'd been to the British Sieger and seen a mutual friend, Jane. She said .. "you know where I'm going here don't you." Of course I did, but it's not three weeks yet since Yarna was mated to Orin. She said she was very excited about the combination of bloodlines and congratulated us -Wow - down to Jane really she picked Orin for Yarna. Here's hoping eh! 
Delwyn still has three pups to sell. A L/C male and 2 S/C females. One of the females is really quite special and it would be lovely to see her go into the show ring. We were splitting hairs between her and the one he has now decided to keep. It seems to be difficult to sell puppies now, especially bitches - sadly it's not the right time for us here or I'd be snapping up the female that has the show potential. I love this photo of Arya at home with her kids playing in the outdoor puppy pen.