Saturday 4 June 2022

Loki's Annivesary

 Today Facebook has reminded me that it's 12 months since our Loki lost the use of his legs. Back then I never imagined he would ever be this well again. I must take the opportunity to thank both of the amazing vets who treated him at Milfeddygon Deufor, (Beth and Ken) Hayle Turner at Mochdre and Gillian Barrett of Paws 4 Fitness, as well as Loki's breeder Ian Turner and a lovely bunch of friends who helped Steve and I get our boy back on track. Loki is now part of the gang again and walks with his buddies, we honestly never play fetch as we are aware of the dangers on spines, elbows and joints, but just to show off how well he's doing, well I hope that like us you enjoy the video of him doing so well.