Sunday 19 June 2022

Seasons And Walks

I'm not 100% sure what day Kaiah started her season, I clocked it as last Saturday, the 11th. She usually goes on and off for a few days, but she seems to have been bleeding a lot for the week - maybe we missed a few days. She's now becoming quite hormonal, well plain nasty with a flirting Orin to be honest. We can't take any risks now, O is a competent stud dog and she'll change her mind very quickly. As they are half siblings, it would be a disaster.  The kennels are ready for when we need them. Kaiah, along with Siska are entered at VOC on the 3rd of July, here's hoping that Miss K is over and done with by then and that Siska times her impending season well. Next weekend we are entered at Blackpool, well Orin and Siska anyway, but with my dad being so poorly we have to take everyday as it comes now.
In the middle of the night Zeus woke me up by sticking his face in mine, I told him to lie down and rolled over. The next thing he bounced on my back with his front paws - hmm something was wrong. I got up, and yes "blew" needed to go out! Good thing I didn't ignore him, mind you he was pretty insistent, Good lad. This morning I walked him with Siska. They had a great time .. if only I could let him off! 
Orin was the pratt of the day on the walk today, his macho male attitude is sometimes annoying. He must go and pee in certain places, and these places are sometimes too far for my liking. At these times his recall is piss poor, I ask very little of these guys but a recall is paramount. Hell I know he has no interested in livestock he just has to"mark" his card everywhere, but not everyone knows that. I was annoyed with him, thankfully Siska stays with me and her mum! 
All of Orin's babies apart from the two show girls have been sold now and will be leaving at the end of the week. Delwyn is keeping the Pink girl and will be calling her Nika, but that blue girl is just too nice to go to a pet home. Well at least we have to try, but the home is the priority at the end of the day, if situations were different I honestly wouldn't hesitate. 
Yarna will be scanned at the end of this week, at 28 days, earlier than we would do it here, here's hoping for good news.