I'm so excited
Thursday, 31 March 2022
More Training
A successful night at Club for Orin last night, no grumbling and no excessive looking behind. He was stood and moved front and centre. Kitt the Mali had been up here this week and we'd tried to do some training in the field. It was kind of successful with both wanting to play, there was no real focus on training but at least no one was worried about anything.
Last night Kitt was moved really close to Orin and was allowed to go forward and touch him on the move. Orin did jump forward, but as the touch was not negative we allowed it to happen again and again - I think it's a good exercise to do with a dog we trust 100% to only touch.
The other members of club, no matter their breed have been a fantastic help, as is always the way you can guarantee some will help and other who say they will .. don't!
Looking at these photos I think I may take Orin in the ring myself at local shows. I think stood more relaxed, as he is, he will appeal more to all-rounders. I've no idea why he looks 10ft long in the group photo, it certainly looks like he's lengthened an inch or two to the dog I know. Again with this photo I'm thinking before putting in on social media - as yet I haven't!
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
Lovely To Walk
Not much chance of getting them to look with Dewi from Fron Farm cottage walking his dog, justover there!
A lovely day, sunshine through clouds, it's hard to believe Winter is set to return tomorrow!
Loki thankfully seems ok after yesterdays tumble.
Trying to get them all to look the same way, anyway you can tell I was crap at sports at school if I can't even throw something to behind me. Ah well, still a decent pic.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
The Gang Out
Jezi and Nico
A nice photo but could have been a great photo if it wasn't for Sammi!
Ziva, Sammi, Ross, Orin, Kaiah, Siska
It's been a very difficult few days, dad has been so poorly. He has not managed to get downstairs since Saturday, and he looks and feels horrendous. I sat on the bed with him this morning as he tried to eat his breakfast, I just tried to make small talk, as you do. I cried later with my sister-in-law, but was determined not to cry in his or my mother's company. I feel the local GP system is failing him over and over, but thankfully the staff on The Alaw ward at Gwynedd Hospital have been great support. They insisted that his GP came to see him yesterday, my mother has been trying to get her there for about 3 weeks, but now with pressure from the hospital she came out. The hospital had asked for a blood test as they thought he was either anaemic or there was a problem with his PSA levels, the GP came out without a kit to take blood, you couldn't make it up could you! Anyway the nurse she organised to come yesterday to take the blood came out today, so it's another day of waiting!
When we got back from Porthmadog Steve let Loki out whilst I was still getting the shopping out of the car. That is normal routine so Loki can have an extra toddle around the field. Unfortunately today Loki forgot about his depleting disability, ran towards me too quickly and fell. It was a hard fall, but he was able to get up himself and came towards me on three legs. We had a big cuddle, I rubbed his leg for him and let him carry on as usual. Just in case I decided not to take him out with the group and we had a walk around the field with Isla. He seems fine, but for today maybe I was more comfortable wrapping him up in cotton wool.
As I write my brother has just text, Dad is going in tomorrow for a blood transfusion. I will know more when they ring later. I'm really pissed off that this was not picked up on sooner, but with GP hiding in their surgery's behind their covid masks what chance was there of a diagnosis!
We had a visitor in the garden today. One very brave but very scruffy looking cat. Some of my cats were out and they obviously knew him and were relaxed about him being there, but what was shocking was that Zeus was also out there! Anyway after taking photos I recognised the cat as the stray that turned up months ago, I check with my neighbour and they are still feeding him twice daily and he sleeps in the barn with Callie the pony. As long as he's safe and fed, well that's all we need to know.
Steve's operation has been cancelled, the consultant in London feels the risk is too great. So it's back to plan b. Anyway whilst chatting to his daughter she told Steve that her son's fear of dogs is escalating out of control. It's so bad that it's spoiling their everyday life.They can't go to the park, beaches or on general days out and he has a complete meltdown if he sees a dog. She has been trying for a long time to get help, but it must come from a GP referral - and the GP's don't consider it an emergency. I don't know what to say really, I guess it's a good thing they live so far away, it would never work if they were living locally and wanted to visit would it!
Monday, 28 March 2022
Bald But Beautiful
Struggling with the colours due to shadows and bright sunshine, but I've done the best I can. Even out of coat Orin looks amazing.
Recently I've seen some pretty shocking photos on social media. I've said it so many times, never post a bad photo of a show dog, people judge and never forget. Sometimes I wonder what possesses people to post the photos that they have. Anyway I've posted this as I said bald but beautiful!
Sunday, 27 March 2022
I had a chat with a friend this morning who has a BMD with the same condition as Loki, the only huge difference is that she is only just 2 years old. She is concerned that her future will be very short, but currently she's walking, running and wagging her tail. She said she looks a little odd, but that she's doing OK. "So how is Loki?" Loki is well, very well. I never thought Loki would get back to this, I'm now even considering cutting his steroids down further. The smaller the dose the less risk of side effects and damage to internal organs, but finding the balance is paramount.
My friend asked how my old dogs were doing? Hmm old, I guess that's three of them. Nico and Jezi have aged these last few months. I showed Nico at a breed Champs show last October, I wouldn't show him now. They are both a little stiff getting up, occasionally there's a limp or a twinge, they've slowed down on their walks and they both look older, but really to be fair they are both doing well. Ziva, Jezi's sister missed the memo though and doesn't seem to have changed at all. Like her mother before her at the same age, her movement is still outstanding, Ziva appears to be fit, healthy and active .. though she needs a damn good brush.
Sammi and Loki are now veterans too, Sammi is in fine form, and as I said Loki is doing well. If you go with a description of a showdog then we now have 5 veterans, 2 middle aged dogs and 3 youngsters.
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Zeus And A Newfie
A journey to Porthmadog this morning had Steve and I reminiscing about Zeus. The conversation came about as I was asked for help with an 8 month old Newfie who had bitten the owner, twice! (apparently he's had 20 stitches) The breeder didn't want to know, so all I could do was contact friends in the breed and pass on Welfare numbers. We don't know what's gone on there, human error, a dog with issues, bad breeding or a combination of all, but my opinion is that people who know and understand the breed need to assess this lad and decide on the correct path for the future. Let's face it, even at 8 months old that is a feck off big dog to be bighting anyone, let alone the owner.
I reminded Steve that it's not far off a year since I went to pick up Zeus, I remember so well that sick feeling in my belly. The things I'd been told had me fearing what I was going to get that day, I really thought I was going to pick up an aggressive dog, or at least a dog with huge behavioural issues, and look at what we got, a fecking idiot! Oh hell it's not been a perfect ride, we've had words numerous times, but nothing more than I would expect from a teenage boy finding his feet, Siska is harder, much harder work than him. We are both besotted with Zeus but Steve really is smitten with him. I seem to be the authority, Steve is the buddy, though he's no push over either. Steve just can't get his head around why things didn't work out for Zeus in his home, but he also says it was meant to be.
Getting back to the Newfie pup, something we have learned from Zeus is that a dog can be two versions of himself in two different homes ... I hope it's the same for him, after all he's just a baby!
Friday, 25 March 2022
Missing Cats
This morning I'm looking for Luther, I've been calling and calling but there's no sign of him. I'm well-used to Luther not being about, his time keeping is awful, but this morning I need to find him. He arrived home about 9pm last night and was lame on his front right, he was obviously in quite a bit of pain and very grouchy with Archie who went to see what all the fuss was about. I couldn't see swelling or a bite but to be honest I didn't really get a proper look, poorly cats become tigers, or maybe in his case a panther! The decision made between us was that we'd try and have a proper look in daylight and see if he needed to go to the vets .. but this morning there is no sign of Luther!
As I was out calling for him I heard a "meow" behind me, Hmmmm why didn't you come when I was calling your name for 11 months Princess? Obviously we've concluded that where ever she was, she was too far to hear us call, too far to even hear the dogs, but by this time last year Isla must have been so damn close, 2 weeks away from home! Yet no one saw her, practically the whole village knew she was missing, but there was not even a single sighting of her. I wonder, did she sleep by day and travel by night? She's very distinctive looking isn't she, I'm sure you'd do a double take if you saw her. I still look at the lost cat pages for North Wales, there is always feed back and sightings .. but we got nothing for Isla. It was like she had disappeared into thin air. I asked her again this morning, "where were you a year ago?" She said nothing! If Steve hadn't had been out with baby Siska that morning, I wonder how long it would have taken Isla to venture indoors? Maybe she'd have just been there waiting for breakfast?
Thursday, 24 March 2022
Burnt Mountain And Walks
Our beautiful Mynydd Mawr, otherwise know as Mynydd Grug (Heather mountain) is burnt to buggery. The wildlife will be decimated, and the financial cost doesn't bare thinking about. A helicopter has been carrying water up from Llyn Ffynhonau all morning, as well as firefighters on the ground. It's just been on the BBC1 Wales lunchtime news, and they said they don't know how this fire was started. Really???? We do!
There is increased tension between the young upstart and the main man. I have to admit, Nico is at fault. He seems to need to say his piece, and Zeus is maturing and less tolerant of an old man telling him who's boss. Jezi was a lot less lame this morning, but got us up at 6am with diarrhoea. Boiled egg it is for dinner tonight Jez!
Other than Ross being a dipstick, this walk was without incident. The girls may scream and shout at each other and Ross tears around like an idiot, but they are great fun. I give no special thought to Loki now, he's back being one of the gang.
To be fair these three are pretty good, Siska annoys Kaiah, but I try and keep that in check. Orin has a habit of going too far, and when I call him he gives me a Tali look of "I'm just doing this, I'll be there in a minute!"
Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Last night I went to training in Pentrefelin with Orin. It started off badly, very badly, with Orin uncomfortable and growling in the hall. I've never seen him growl before but luckily I managed to keep it together. I reprimanded him but then instantly gave Arwyn the instructor chicken to give him. I could see Orin was just uncomfortable and not aggressive. Luckily, Orin is a greedy dog and within minutes he was fine and back to his normal self. Arwyn was very hands-on, he said I'm really manhandling him, and O was fine. I asked to move Orin at the back of the class the first time, then at the front with a big gap and then in the last section I stood him and moved him in the middle. He was great. So yeah, an odd out of character start, but thankfully with a really positive outcome.
Walking in Smoke
The guys out today on what could have been a lovely day. Sadly the farmers saw it perfect weather to burn the mountains and lefts us struggling at times in the thick smoke which carried on the breeze. How can it still be legal? I've no idea, but sadly it is.
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Jezi's Lame
Jezi has been lame on her front the last couple of days. I'm not sure whether it's just old age or whether the geriatric hooligans have had a bit of a bump during their games. I'll keep an eye on her now for a few days, if there is no improvement I guess we'll have to see the doggy doctor.
I am aware of her increasing years, and she has had stiffness in her front before. Jezi had 0 score elbows, but of course the discomfort could be anywhere in the front. She's been on glucosamine and chondroitin for about 6 months but if things don't improve she may need something stronger.
Monday, 21 March 2022
My Kind Of Day
No idea what happened to my phone, unless it had condensation on the lens. It was fine for the first group photo but the others look like I'm in the niwl!
Sunday, 20 March 2022
Shocking Crufts Critiques
Well not for Orin, he was one of a handful of dogs that she actually seem to like! She has been unnecessarily harsh and ripped some exhibits apart. Having dodged the bullet with O I'm honestly glad that Siska did not get a critique!
1st Blanik Kyriacos (Mrs R Stanley)
Good moving especially in rear. Liked his head and expression which was frank and open. Sound front, but too much slope in pasterns. Reachy side gait, Rich colour. Stands well with weight distribution very good. Not over angulated in rear either.
The K Boys
Loki (Basil), Merlin (Ken)
Zeus (Biscuit) Orin (Fudge)
With the wind whistling through Fron yesterday, I was glad I'd taken photos of the birthday boys the day before. I can't say we've experienced many a Spring wind that bad before. Steve had tried to go out to check on something about 10 am and told me to cancel any plans I may have had to go out! By the afternoon I could take being enclosed no more and foolishly I decided to go to the fields. Next time I swear I'll listen to my husband!
I made the collage of the birthday boys and posted it on Facebook, tagging the owners in the post. I really wish people who should know better wouldn't post "that one is my favourite." This is not a dog show, this is a proud breeder showing how 4 males have turned out - 4 stunners, even if I do say so myself. I kind of see a strong similarity between Loki B, Zeus and Orin - I see a lot of Fransisco in them as well as my bitch line, but Merlin to me, well he has a lot more of Nico - Kiara in his appearance. I do understand everyone has a favourite, but a little consideration to all the owners before posting views on social media would be nice.
Of course the question came in chat "two years on, knowing what you know would you make the same decision?" Yes 100%, I had an idea from about 3 weeks old who the front-runner was, but took my time to commit. I said at the time it was one of the hardest decisions to make as I could see a reason for keeping all four. The 6 -8 week old puppy is said to be the pint size version of the adult and for me puppy Fudge ticked more of the boxes. Zeus was always stunning, and it was the closest I'd ever come to keeping a LSH, but Orin was just a little more pleasing to my eye. It would be unfair of me to comment on Loki B and Merlin from photos, but from what I see they too could have had potential to be show dogs. From a side profile Zeus and Orin would probably now be neck and neck, but Zeus' classic LSH weak pasterns and 10 to 2 front feet would let him down, as well as his slightly untidy hocks (Though they have improved). Being a little shorter in body length Zeus also paces if you don't move him at the right speed. Orin is longer, a little bit of length of body gives balance and more fluid outreaching movement. Of my two males, for show purpose and potential, I'm happy I made the right choice, but I'm over the moon that both boys are here with me now.
Baby O
Saturday, 19 March 2022
It's day 21 for Arya today, and she's left her breakfast. She also left it on Wednesday and considered her options yesterday. It's quite promising when a bitch who normally eats well goes off her food at the end of the first trimester and into the second trimester. Of course we all know that hormones changes that occur anyway after a season can affect some bitches, but still we are hopeful. To be honest, I'm almost as excited as I would be if it was one of my own girls, proving Orin is important to me and Arya is well-bred, has great health tests and is beautiful in mind and body. We couldn't really have had better to start with. Her owner wants to keep a female and there is the possibility of a show home for a male with a friend, that would be great for me and the breeder. It was also great that he was there by the ring watching Orin winning his class at Crufts. He told me then he could not have picked a better stud for Arya, which was a lovely thing to say. Anyway crossing everything that there are babies brewing in that belly.
I had quite a surprise message yesterday, it seems the owner of the sable bitch is still interested in bringing her to Orin too. She hasn't yet come into season, which is ideal as we'll know if Arya is pregnant, or not, before the sable is due for mating. She also has super health tests and excellent breeding. If it works out I'll have to stay away from that litter, my love for crazy sables is well known!
Friday, 18 March 2022
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