Tuesday 5 March 2019

Twll Braich

 We all walked around the stunning Twll braich and it's surrounding quarry works today. The Blanik Bus had gone for it's MOT so we where confined to barracks really. It was a stunning morning, sunny with a cold blustery wind which was actually invigorating. I found three different routes to get me to the same place and as we don't walk here often the kids really enjoyed themselves! 
Sammi was again keeping me on my toes with her air scenting. I even called her back and put her on the lead, for minutes I didn't see anyone but all of a sudden there they where. Sammi is never wrong, her air scenting ability is beyond remarkable, I can't think of any of the others, past or present that can equal her. 
Kaiah caused me great embarrassment. Her enthusiasm for life, energy and exuberance is never curtailed. She loves people, she sees no harm is anyone and surely could never begin to consider that anyone may not like her. We came round the corner from the old quarry buildings and a man was coming pushing a bicycle up the steep slope. Kaiah saw him and despite my best efforts to call her back, I was too late ...  she ran full pelt towards him and practically leaped into his arms. Ross ran a short distance behind her but I'm his world, so he stopped, he doesn't need to talk to strangers. Kaiah then came back full of the joys of Spring. What could I do? What could I say except grovel and apologise? As it happened the man was fine about it ... but imagine how he felt seeing a GSD run full pelt towards him? I was so cross with her, a different person with a different attitude and we could have been in serious trouble! Her recall is usually so very good, but it goes to prove that what ever the situation you can never guarantee what a clever animal with a mind of it's own will do. 
Blanik Bus is home .. it passed. Let the adventures continue....