Thursday 30 July 2015

Vet Check-Ups

Well it was mixed results at the vets for the oldies. As we suspected Finlay has CDRM, which is a pain free, but degenerative and paralyzing condition of the nerve endings of the spine. The condition progresses at different speeds in different dogs, sometimes taking years, sometimes months to cause any real difficulty. Sadly I have come across it before, and watched Blade loose his mobility with it over his twilight years. Anyway Vet Jill stressed that we must carry on with the walking, she said do what your doing and then do a little more! Stopping is the worse thing you can do for CDRM, though the progression of the condition can not be stopped, it can be slowed down. Thankfully everything else is in good working order for his age so now we plod on and enjoy every day that we share together!
Following the strange incident with Tali at Cwm Dulyn a few weeks ago I made the appointment with the practice ophthalmologist and got a diagnosis similar to what I was half expecting.  Tali has dense nuclear sclerosis, so her eye sight is now pretty poor especially in poor light. (her eye sight is fuzzy, like looking through frosted glass - actually a condition that Kiri also had, but in a milder form) Tali also has mild back discomfort, that at the moment doesn't warrant any medication (She's getting a CSJ supplement with Devil's Claw in it) and she showed some abdominal discomfort which could be something and nothing, but something that we need to keep an eye on and report back if there are any other changes!