Thursday 30 July 2015

Great To Be Wrong

I have always though Ricky Gervais was a twat, not in the same league as Lemon, Carr and Clarkson, but still a twat! Then a few months ago I saw one of his anti fox hunting posts on Facebook and I started taking an interest in him and his other posts! Well how wrong was I? This man is not the big headed idiot that seems comes over on the TV. This man is a compassionate person who's a passionate and dedicated animal lover. He's not afraid to put his neck on the line, to say it as he see's it, no matter how horrific he's not afraid to bring it to the public's eye. Now lets be honest because of him I'm seen thing that will haunt me forever, images, videos and statements going round in my head, things that keep me awake at night! Things I wish I'd never seen, but what is the point in burring your head in the sand? What is the point in pretending it doesn't go on? None what so ever! Because of him, and high profile people like him, who published photos and videos all over social media the world became aware on the Chinese Dog Meat festival, and due to a public out cry all over the world this festival and it's barbaric methods were cancelled, for this year anyway!
I know people who don't use facebook think it a silly bit of fun, a waste of time, but my god it's a way of getting information out there, there is some power in that site. Dogs are reunited with owners, animals are rehomed successful all over the country,(with a chain of homecheckers!) stolen goods become too hot to handle and the media realise that the majority of the UK really don't want a lift of the Fox Hunting Ban. And yeah, there are silly posts, idiots with no lives beyond a screen, but also lots of fun and support. At the moment it's plastered with photos of the idiot dentist who murdered one of the most majestic creatures in the world, all in the name of "sport!" I need say no more, moving on ....  Like most things in life Facebook really is what you make of it!