Wednesday 7 June 2023

Decisions Decisions

Mixed feelings at the kissing gate today, I was amused to see they hadn't been able to open it, but of course emotional as I thought, "well Kaiah would have been through and well gone by now!" 
The walk with just the two of them goes well, it's generally much calmer but there was an incident today that makes me realise something new needs sorting. As we went back towards the van a woman came running with a collie. As we know from previous occasions runners don't stop, I had no time to get my leads out of the bag let alone get them on the dogs. I called them back and went off in the other direction as quickly as I could, they both came ... Orin clocked them, I called him over and got hold of his collar. I told Siska to wait, OMG she went belting off barking. She stopped halfway and looked at me, I called her back again, but off she went again. Barking non-stop, the woman and the collie went through the gate and carried on. Siska stayed there barking till I got there. Thumping her would have made me feel better, but even in my stressed stated I know it would have achieved nothing, so I gritted my teeth and called out "Sorry." 
To tell the lady she's never done that before would no doubt have left her thinking, "yeah, yeah .. I've heard that before," but honestly she has never done that before! So what is different? Well to me, it's obvious, Kaiah is not there. Siska was glued to her mother, Kaiah would never have gone so Siska simply didn't either. Kaiah's recall was close on perfect, so Siska's was too... but now little miss is thinking for herself and obvious coming up with different, and maybe not the best decisions!