Sunday 19 April 2020


The K Kids are just over 4 weeks old and socialising is not beginning, it is continuing ... They see the hoover followed by the mop every morning. They are quite interested in the TV already .. they've met cats, though Sammi chases them away from the room she's quite happy for them to mingle outside. Under supervision they've met 2 of the adults. They've been in the garden, they've been in the living room .. today we will leave the living room door open so if they choose they can go into the yard. As the pen is still in the kitchen for another week or so they are around whilst I clatter pots, pans and cutlery. The radio is on, the kettle boils, the toaster pops ... normal everyday life, that's why in my opinion puppies should always be in the house, never in kennels!
Next week they will move into the utility room where there is a lot more space for them. (and a washing machine) Weather permitting we will also set up the puppy pen outside so they can spend part of the day in the yard. The other dogs will be around and the pups can be part of the community but within a safe enclosure.
The weeks are flying by and I'm already starting to get that sinking feeling as I plan for their departures, such strange arrangements need making this time  ... but of course by then they will be more than ready to leave and start their lovely lives, and I guess by then we will also be ready to start concentrating on our puppy too .. who ever that may be ...and before you ask .. no I haven't a clue!