Saturday 31 August 2024

I Just Can't Help Myself

Ok The flash doesn't help, but I had to take these, making memories to treasure.

Today's Photos

Jet with his mum
Opal and Amber

Sammi and Zeus

It was another "I'm not coming in day" from Zeus. The ball had come off the rope and he was his usually wayward self. Anyway, his mother to the rescue! 

Friday 30 August 2024

Who Are They?

This evening we took Siska's family into the living room. I'm not sure if she's happy about it really, not that she's stressed, that isn't in her nature, but she is concerned about her kids being out of the safety of their den, especially when Amber goes AWOL.
As we get to interact more with them we are learning more about the individuals. Amber is the first to do everything, she is more adventurous and likes to explore, though in the living room tonight Jet wasn't far behind. Opal is the last to do everything, she seems a little behind, last to be born, last to open her eyes, a day later getting to her feet, a day later interacting with her siblings, but then so was Siska. Siska and Larry were the last born in the L litter, they were always together and always last to do everything, coincidence? Maybe! Jet is very observant, he seems to hear everything, the girls sleep as I go about life, but he always seems to wake up and look up. As we live in such a quiet place, we have to make sure that they know that the world is a noisy place, currently Ed Sheeran is on repeat in the kitchen for a lot of the day but I do have a puppy sound desensitization CD which will be going on soon! 
It's hard to believe that I've almost had half my time with them, the easy bit is over and the hard work starts now, well in a week or so.  I believe that bringing up puppies is a pleasure and a privilege and though I hate to see them go at 8 weeks I do it with a clear conscience that I've done everything I can to get it right. I also believe that this breed is ready to leave the nest at 7.5 weeks, though unfortunately the law does not allow that and they have to be 8 weeks on the day or over to legally leave for their new lives. What do they learn in those last few days with their siblings? Well not a lot other than how to fight harder and eat poo!!!! 
Siska and Larry 
The last couple of night I've left my kitchen camping and gone to bed around 6am for a couple of hours.I may do the same tonight, or if all is quiet and peaceful and I wake up, I may go earlier. I haven't had a full nights sleep since the 4th - 5th of August, and yeah it's catching up on me now, but would I have it any other way? Hell no! Every responsible breeder that I've come across does the same, unless they have the pleasure of wifi in the bedroom! This time there has been two occasions when a puppy could have been crushed had I gone to bed, Opal a couple of weeks ago, and Jet later on, but the scariest incident by far was puppy Ken in the K litter. Had I gone to bed that night I have no doubts that I would have woken up to a suffocated puppy in the morning. 
It's now close to midnight and the bitch puppies are playing, Jet has just toddled off to the other side of the pen and Siska is lying on the cold kitchen floor. Time for lights out ladies!!!! 

We Went Outside

Jet and Amber
Jet and Opal
Siska and her lovely family

My Beautiful Family

Siska with her kids

Beti, Loki, Sammi, Ross
Zeus - how scruffy does he look! 

Colours And Cutness

Unfortunately had to zoom to get this one so it's maybe not quite as clear, but yeah Jet is very dark. 
Amber - now you may recall I tried to get a litter from Zalu and Kaiah, which would have been the K litter, but she missed, hence the K kids were Fransisco to Sammi. Zalu was a LSH sable like Lucca and in my mind I envisaged keeping a puppy just like this, her name was Vixen. I won't use the name now, that time has gone, but I'm sure you understand why I would chose that name for a s/c sable female. 
Opal - the long coat with her dramatic colours 

Amber and Opal - both fighting sleep last night. 

Thursday 29 August 2024


A slight change to the pen today, less bedding and more puppy pads. They are obviously not 100% clean, but hell they are learning very quickly. 
If you follow Facebook no doubt you've seen a lot more photos and been reading the coat conversations. I must admit I got miffed by the people who have said "it doesn't matter." Well of course it matters, Ok it's not life or death, it doesn't affect the health of the animal, but as a breeder who wants to know everything about their litter, it matters. Thankfully, it doesn't matter to the pups prospective owners, but to breed people like me, the guessing game is part of the fun, the excitement and enjoyment of having a litter, so in that context as well, yes it does matter! (And ... and ... though I will put my hand up if I'm wrong, it would be nice to be right!!!)

Wednesday 28 August 2024


 I had noticed the pups incisors had come through, but today Amber showed me that her canines are now part way through too. Poor Siska, but maybe now she'll take a step back and allow me to help with feeding? Bless her, she must be one of the best mums I've had here. 
Jet, Amber, Opal

Tuesday 27 August 2024


Amber, Opal, Jet 
I think the little guys have been totally oblivious to their visitors so far. Of course it's been a strict look but don't touch scenario. Siska has been wonderful, as is her nature. I requested that visitors came straight from home to here with no stops, and of course we disinfect shoes. I'm hoping to get them out from the pen a little bit this week, lets hope for some decent weather over the next month or so.
Opal, Amber, Jet

Monday 26 August 2024

3 Weeks

Jet - 5lb 6oz

Amber - 4lb 15oz

Opal - 4lb 9oz
The LSH chat continues on Facebook. So look at the photos, Opal is obviously a LSH, Amber obviously not and Jet - well let's sit on the fence eh! LSH or S/C of course it doesn't matter, it's just interesting!

Sunday 25 August 2024

Jet Talk

 The last few days there has been a lot of talk about Jet's coat. I have maintained from the beginning that Opal is a LSH, Amber is without doubt a S/C and to me Jet always looked like a S/C too. He is heavily coated, so was Orin, but over the last few days, because of his changing head shape a seed of doubt has been planted. Now before the K litter of 2020 I would have been adamant that he was a S/C, he simply has not had the classic LSH features; but you know what? It could be deja vu! Remember Zeus?  He remained a hidden LSH till he was 3 weeks, and even then people in the know did not agree that he was a LSH ... So maybe Jet has hidden in plain sight, just like Zeus ... or maybe not! I will still stick to my original decision, but if I'm wrong, well I'm wrong and I'll admit it. Time will tell. 

Weights And Vaccinations

A very basic guide, but you know what, it's not far off the mark is it. Ross' weight had crept up on us but now I'd say he's back to normal, it can only help with his joints. Poor Loki is no doubt underweight, not a lot I can do about that, we are lucky to have him, and I guess it's better that he is too lean. 
Puppy Vaccinations have been the topic of discussion again. No I won't be vaccinating at 8 weeks, the pups will be microchipped and health checked, I firmly believe that early vaccinations can have a derogatory effect on the puppies immunity. An 8 week old puppy should be well covered, they should have high immunity from their mother's milk. Vaccinating before 10 weeks is simply pointless. When referring to early vaccination, it clearly states on the leaflet given with the vaccination to vets "maternally derived passive antibodies interfere with the response to vaccination and a later vaccine should be given at 10 weeks or older, one vaccine give at 10+ weeks is sufficient to cover." So why would I put more chemicals into their body than is necessary, particularly as there is evidence it can destroy the immunity. Sensible socialising without flooding them over those early weeks is paramount, the socialising period may well be over by12 weeks, but it's all a balance and  there are plenty of things we can do to give them the best future. Oh and no, I won't be giving mine a lepto vacs and I suggest the new owners research carefully before making the decision on that one, the vaccination can be as fatal as the disease.

Visitor and Yogurt

Look but don't touch, of course Siska was delighted to see her mate and quite happy to let Ian spend time with her family. 
Beautiful Amber wearing goat yogurt
Jet missed his mouth! 
Opal - loved it and then crashed out.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Choo Update

The tail has healed and now his hair is growing back quite quickly. Choo is back doing what he does and living life to his own rules! He's such a sweet boy. 

Holidays And Food

Whilst Siska works hard looking after the family, Lucca is off to Scotland on his holidays again. Isn't he just stunning! 
Meanwhile, at home the little girls have a taste of something different, Amber easily the greediest whilst Opal was quite keen to try it too. And Jet? Well, he went back to sleep!

The Babies And Mum

Siska, before she shredded the octopus. He survived less than 24hrs!  

The Adults

Orin missing Siska no doubt

Sammi, Ross, Beti, Loki

Zeus - after 4 days of loxicom the boy seems Ok now.

And Last Night ....

I know it's dark, but make sure the volume is on! Siska playing with a purple octopus at 1am (Ish). Just the night light on, but I had to video it! 

Friday 23 August 2024

Also In Black

Jamie sitting with the dog toys in the yard - as you do! 
Archie refusing to give up this box for recycling. 
Jamie and Perry 
The man in black - Luther 

A Long Couple Of Nights

Two nights without much sleep, and I'm in zombie mode. With the wind rattling through the cottage on Wednesday, there was no way I could sleep. I lay there on the camp bed and remembered similar nights in Dec 13 - Jan 14 whilst Ziva nursed her "I" litter. Of course "that photo" came to mind and I had to find it. The pups had outgrown the whelping box, but it was before the days of our puppy pens and Steve had done a make-shift area in front of the box. The pups had been playing with their toys and fallen asleep in the pen, Ziva collected the toys and took them under the heat lamp to play with herself. Of course, I captured the moment.
Last night, gusts of up to 80 miles an hour had been forecast. I had a glass of gin, probably my first since new year, with some flat tonic and got under the duvet ... apparently the wind was horrendous, but for us it was less dramatic than the previous night. So I could have slept well, but before 2am Opal started to scream. I watched Siska ignore her and decided to follow her natural instincts for a while, but as the noise continued, I couldn't help but be concerned. I wondered if she had wind and sat in the box rubbing her belly till she settled. I put her down and within minutes she was off again, Siska who had been so sensitive to their screams before continued to ignore her, but I just couldn't. I picked her up and took her onto the camp bed, of course that didn't please Siska and she too came onto the camp bed to supervise me. I continued to pat Opal's belly till she again fell asleep and I put her back in the box, Siska followed her in and Opal went to feed and fell asleep. It was about 3.30am by then and as I've said before that time of night you feel so alone and overthink. Not a healthy combination for sleep. Steve said, well it was probably just colic, like in babies, well he'd know about babies, I wouldn't! LOL Of course, yesterday was day two of the panacur, so maybe that didn't help! 
I was unable to get goat yogurt in Tesco or Morrisons today, I got Goat Milk instead. I've never used it but I'll have to make a mixture of it and the puppy food to give them just a taste of something different over the weekend. There is no rush as they are doing well, but even on 4 meals a day Siska is looking lean as these pups thrive. 
It will be another week of dramatic changes and it's now time to ask close friends for help. Whilst it's not time for people to sit and cuddle the pups, it is time for Siska to adapt and allow other people in to see them.  A very important time in bringing up puppies, making sure "mum" is happy, calm and relaxed with people she is knows visiting her family. Sadly, this important time coincides with Sharon being in Scotland on holiday, but Linda for one is more than happy to help.