Friday 30 August 2024

Who Are They?

This evening we took Siska's family into the living room. I'm not sure if she's happy about it really, not that she's stressed, that isn't in her nature, but she is concerned about her kids being out of the safety of their den, especially when Amber goes AWOL.
As we get to interact more with them we are learning more about the individuals. Amber is the first to do everything, she is more adventurous and likes to explore, though in the living room tonight Jet wasn't far behind. Opal is the last to do everything, she seems a little behind, last to be born, last to open her eyes, a day later getting to her feet, a day later interacting with her siblings, but then so was Siska. Siska and Larry were the last born in the L litter, they were always together and always last to do everything, coincidence? Maybe! Jet is very observant, he seems to hear everything, the girls sleep as I go about life, but he always seems to wake up and look up. As we live in such a quiet place, we have to make sure that they know that the world is a noisy place, currently Ed Sheeran is on repeat in the kitchen for a lot of the day but I do have a puppy sound desensitization CD which will be going on soon! 
It's hard to believe that I've almost had half my time with them, the easy bit is over and the hard work starts now, well in a week or so.  I believe that bringing up puppies is a pleasure and a privilege and though I hate to see them go at 8 weeks I do it with a clear conscience that I've done everything I can to get it right. I also believe that this breed is ready to leave the nest at 7.5 weeks, though unfortunately the law does not allow that and they have to be 8 weeks on the day or over to legally leave for their new lives. What do they learn in those last few days with their siblings? Well not a lot other than how to fight harder and eat poo!!!! 
Siska and Larry 
The last couple of night I've left my kitchen camping and gone to bed around 6am for a couple of hours.I may do the same tonight, or if all is quiet and peaceful and I wake up, I may go earlier. I haven't had a full nights sleep since the 4th - 5th of August, and yeah it's catching up on me now, but would I have it any other way? Hell no! Every responsible breeder that I've come across does the same, unless they have the pleasure of wifi in the bedroom! This time there has been two occasions when a puppy could have been crushed had I gone to bed, Opal a couple of weeks ago, and Jet later on, but the scariest incident by far was puppy Ken in the K litter. Had I gone to bed that night I have no doubts that I would have woken up to a suffocated puppy in the morning. 
It's now close to midnight and the bitch puppies are playing, Jet has just toddled off to the other side of the pen and Siska is lying on the cold kitchen floor. Time for lights out ladies!!!!