Thursday 8 August 2024

Colours And Coat

Long Stock Hair is the correct term for what most of us still call a Long Coat. I understand the genetic of LSH in the breed as I've had them in almost all my litters from two S.C parents. 
Just a refresher, If one parent is a LSH and one a S.C who carries the gene then 50% will be LSH and 50% will be S.C but all will carry the gene. (The M litter)  If both parents are S.C and carry the LSH gene then 50% of the litter will be S.C and carry the gene, 25% will be S.C but not carry the gene and 25% will be LSH. (most of my previous litters) The S.C's  who do not carry the gene tend to have a little less coat. (like Ross) To produce LSH both parents must carry the gene. I currently think Amber and Jet are S.C and Opal is a LSH, maybe Mica would have been a LSH then? So that's the coats sorted, but how about the colour???
Sable is sable, not faded black and tan. Pups born black and tan can not become sable, they simply become faded. To produce sable one parent must be a sable.(in rare cases a white can produce sable I'm told, but we won't go there) I love sables, hence buying Ross and mating Kaiah to Zalu, sadly she missed and then by the time it was time to try again the world had changed due to covid and we used Fransisco (Siska's dad). So did I expect them all to be sable? Truth, No! Am I pleased? Well hell yeah as the dream was to have a sable female. Sable colour is dominant over all the other GSD colours and patterns, including black and tan, this means that two black and tan GSDs cannot produce a Sable. However, Sable can carry the black and tan gene and may produce black and tan offspring. So two sable parents can produce black and tan offspring. I wonder if it's unusual for a sable mated to a black and tan to produce just sable pups? It would be interesting to find out.