Friday 9 August 2024

A Rough Night

Siska had a very restless night. She was panting, pacing, digging and needed to go out several times. I felt so alone and scared as the world slept. She wouldn't eat or drink, which was obviously a concern. When Steve got up we took her temperature 38.8, hmmm, not far off normal, just a tad high. Steve convinced her to eat a boiled egg, but she vomited it shortly afterwards. I rang the vets! Ken thought that it was the normal pain that they experience after birth as the uterus contracts and he suggested half a paracetamol morning and evening. I've seen this in all my bitches, but felt this was extreme. Anyway, the paracetamol helped quickly and Siska ate some fish. By mid afternoon I felt Siska was breathing quickly again so I took her temperature, it was going up. Feeling a little concerned, I rang the vet again and he suggested I take her over. After all, tomorrow is the weekend and though they have out of hours, I didn't fancy another sleepless night of worry. After an examination, he gave her a long-lasting antibiotic injection and an injection to settle her stomach, he also told me to continue the paracetamol over the weekend. He observed and commented on the fast breathing and hoped things would now settle. Me too!
In the middle of the night when everything is so much worse I started wondering if Opal was Ok? No reason for my concern, just overthinking as she is small. I weighed her 1lb 5 - wow well done Opal - that's from 13oz at birth. I'm happy with that.