Sunday 18 August 2024

Siska Adores Her Kids

Already the little gemstones are becoming aware of their environment. Though sight is poor they are obviously seeing a little. At the moment their whole world is their doting mother, they are totally unaware of the back-up she and they have, they are totally unaware of human love. Over the next week or two that will change and as she takes a few steady steps back they will become more reliant on us. 
I love every stage of bringing up puppies, I'm truly privileged to be allowed to share this time with my girls, the bond with the bitches always deepens as we bring up puppies together. These little otters are still very much her babies. I handle them, yes, but as little as possible and usually under her close supervision. Tomorrow they will be 2 weeks old ... I can't wait to see how much they weigh, she really is doing them proud.