Tuesday 17 October 2017

Tali, Weather and Internet

Yesterday morning I got up to the strangest sounds, sights and smells. It was approaching 8am but so dark, I questioned my clock, I questioned that my eyes were reading it correctly, yep it really was 7.50am. I went to let Nico out, I could hear the wind before I opened the door and as I opened it the warm air that hit me was not something I was expecting. Then there was the smell, someone must have a fire going somewhere I thought. I went out and stood on the bench to look down towards Caernarfon, I fully expected to see smoke, there was none! It was later when I noticed the broadband was not working which lead to a frustratingly long but funny conversation with George in Bulgaria!!! I’m now writing this on Word hoping to copy and paste it into blog before the end of the day. Nothing like a bit of positive thinking is there? But of course Open Reach are now on the case so it may be a while!!!!
 Tali, well she was my reason for wanting to update really. She’s doing ok so far on the pills, 3 days on and 3 days off. The only cause for concern yesterday and today is the fact that she got into Ross’ cage yesterday morning and grabbed mouthfuls of puppy food. She so defiant and I had to drag her out. This morning she tried it again but I was waiting for her. Sadly she’s drinking a lot today and that usually happens before she get diarrhea. I’ll monitor her today and if I feel she needs a couple of days of extra pills then I’ll give them to her. (Today is day 3 of having them) What tends to happen is, unlike all the others Ross does not rush into his crate for his breakfast, and goes meandering about the place. As there is no breakfast for Tali she’s now looking for alternatives. Tali has to wait 30 mins for her breakfast as vivitonin has to be given a minimum of 30 mins before food. Tali does not agree with this delay!
I guess the storm is over for us now, the wind was horrendous late afternoon into early evening but they young dogs loved it and I had great difficulty in getting them to stay indoors.
 My god .. Open Reach have just been, the hub is knackered again, so now I’ll have to wait for another. I’ll just borrow Linda’s dongle to post this then ….