Sunday 1 May 2016

Sunday's Rant

Just looks like a bald patch on his ear today
Ok so we'll start with Nico's ears ... so many people have suggested I try different home remedies or "natural" products from Coconut oil to Thornit powder. So yesterday I decided to do my own research on line and see if there were any ideas with any products that I already had in, and I found these on two different sites  ....
"Another option is to apply apple cider vinegar on the irritated skin. Wash the infected area with mild soapy water, rinse with cold water and pat dry. Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and apply it to the affected area. Do this two or three times daily. If it causes discomfort, stop using it."
"Apple cider vinegar is a health, beauty, and lifestyle “hack” that everyone should jump in on ASAP! It’s not just helpful for treating acne, but can also fight fungus on the skin that causes rashes. If you have a rash that is not fungal-related, apple cider vinegar may not work, however, for skin rashes like ringworm and fungal-related forms of eczema, apple cider vinegar will kill the fungus on the skin due to its anti-microbial properties. Do this after you shower and apply with the mixture above for best results."
Well I know it's talking about treatment for people with skin problems but I can see no difference and  decided to give it a go. So I did it on one patch on one ear 3 times yesterday ... OMG the improvement by this morning is unbelievable. Now I will try it on both ears and hope it continues to improve ... and maybe I'll use it on my eczema too!
Smiling Ziva
Jezi with "her" Nico
Now I know that brooding about something doesn't get me anywhere, But I've been brooding about a comment someone has made and I now feel that there may be a better chance of getting it out of my system if I write it down. I know my dogs faults better than anyone, I know Nico's hocks are too long causing and untidy gait when he pushes too hard, I know Loki has light eyes .... and yes I know that Ziva does have a kink in her ear and that her ears are slightly wide set. But the kink is so tiny that not even Steve had noticed! So this person was comparing my two sisters saying why she preferred Jezi and was horrified to discover I had spayed her without breeding from her! Now I don't have a problem with people preferring one over the other, it's the game we show people play, but I do have a problem with someone insinuating that my bitch is not pretty! In my eye Ziva is so very beautiful, she has the most feminine features and the most adorable smile. (If you know her you will understand!) And yes I see her ears, but it's one feature on what is otherwise a beautiful bitch. Of the two she has the better colour, the softer character, the better movement and more importantly the better hips .. Ziva's total score is 9, Jezi total score is 18, with one hip scoring 12, no not a disaster but logical that I should go with the bitch with the better scoring hip! Anyway my sister are both beautiful ... Jezi is these days the class clown, they are different but beautiful!
Note to self .. if you hear growling and unrest, no matter what your doing, do something about it! The Blanik Bastards broke into the bedroom this morning and stole Finlay's breakfast! He has his breakfast in there so he has peace and time to eat it, not this morning! Due to the heat in the cottage the wooden bedroom and bathroom doors have warped and often do not closed properly.  Of course the little shits have discovered this  .. funny though yeah!