Tuesday 14 April 2015

Bella Brings Louis To Visit ...

They had great fun playing in their brother Loki's field! 
Louis - Well we had to have a go!
Handsome boy
Louis was Mr Purple and in my top three of the pups of the litter. He had the most outgoing character in the litter, and I think he still probably has! He carries better weight and currently has a better coat than Loki, but my reason for preferring Loki as a puppy is actually still apparent. Though Louis has decent length in second thigh, he doesn't really have much turn of stifle. His front angle is lovely and he looks pretty balanced, and maybe he's also shorter in loin than Loki. Both boys currently measure 64cm at the wither, though with Louis weight he did look the bigger dog. Yeah had I picked him over all I would have been happy, and what a beautiful head and expression. 
But I still believe that for show purposes I have the right puppy, Loki has the stronger head, better bone and better angles. Yes he is a little long in loin and currently "flat" in overline. But as he gets taller he looks less stretched and hopefully his overline will strengthen. He is really starting to grasp the idea of "moving out" and even in that small hall in Porthmadog lat night he gave a credible performance - though he still cuts corners! (lazy arse!) 
But even had I got it badly wrong I wouldn't swap him for the world, Loki is kind, gentle (when foods not involved) loving and sweet. A pleasure to live with, easy in all ways. He fits in with everybody and adores his big sister and partner in crime! 
