Sunday 25 January 2015

As If One Wasn't Enough ....

Jezi on the mountain 
Now Jezi has come in season! Nico has been paying her a bit of attention over the last couple of days and I was convinced he was getting the girls confused ... Ok he was right, I was wrong! So I guess it's now going to be a "Fun Time!"
Actually Jezi has gone 6 months since her last season which is great as she never did more than 4.5 months in the past. Over the last 18 months her seasons have gradually settled into what is now the ideal ... And strangely Ziva use to come in every 8 months, she's now doing 7 months, I wonder if she too will eventually go to 6 months?

Our Junior - feeling fine on the 22nd. 
My little guy hasn't been himself over the last few days. When Junior is off his food you know he's not right. This morning he hasn't eaten and there was diarrhea in the litter tray. (Which I can only presume is his!)  He's pretty flat and has an expression that worries me. (Though his colour is good) As he's decided to sleep in the utility room I've just done him a heat pad and he got up and was purring and pretty affectionate when I put it in his bed. If he's not improved by tomorrow I guess he'll need to see a vet. Isla's not eating too well either, but she seems to be loosing her coat, maybe I need to get her some stuff for furballs again? She definitely hasn't got diarrhea, if she did, with that coat believe you me I would know!
Ears today
Ears again - Having had a great pair of "sticky-up-ears" for 10 days Steve and I finally hoped things had settled with Loki ears. But hell no, yesterday there was obvious weakness in the right ear and it flopped into Labrador position last night. Actually it was great to see that Steve was as disappointed as I was, it made me feel less pathetic about it and we both went to bed feeling quite deflated. This morning ... yippee it's up again!
For the second time in recent years someone has had a go at me for bearing my soul on this blog. The first time it was over a very emotional post I'd written about George, this time it's more general, but she feels things I write on here could be used against me. I know she cares, but I disagree. I know most of the people who read this blog, but yeah the stats page show me that I do have a wider audience than I could ever have anticipated, which is really quite flattering. People are actually interested in what the "Blanik GSD's" get up too. I know I've lost a lot of the "George" following, but with George's silence there simply isn't anything to say!
This blog was set up as a personal on line diary, it is a place for me to write about how I'm feeling, to remember (and share) precious memories, and yes a place to moan and rant. Mostly I don't need answer the questions, I'm just saying how I feel "on the day," and let's face it some days even the little things get us down. Tomorrow will hopefully be better eh! It really helps me to write it all down, often as it hits the page I get things into perspective in my head. I will not be changing the format on here,  I will continue to write as I feel on the day .. and I won't edit it the next day. I'm not stupid I know the internet can be dangerous place, hell I send hours on Facebook! But there are things that I would never post online, I choose what I share as I will continue to do so!