Monday 15 July 2024


It's been a strange old day. This morning I took a photo of the hydrangea in the field to send to my brother. Mum had taken against it and chopped it back before getting my brother to dig out the roots to put it in the bin. Loving them, I said we'd bring the ball of roots home and give it a chance in the field. Well two years on and it's thriving. The flower has changed colour, but I'm so pleased to see it doing so well.
This afternoon was the third emotional day for Mum, and I went with her to the funeral of one of her special friends. It was the first time I'd been to the crematorium since Dad's funeral, but I couldn't let her go on her own could I! It was so odd to be an agnostic sitting in a traditional, religious Welsh service for a person I didn't know, never even met, I felt out of place as there was no connection for the person lost, but yeah the emotion was there, especially as my mum cried.