Friday 26 July 2024


I really don't want to seem ungrateful but there are things that I'm quite fussy about. Correct, well bred,  unexaggerated GSD are top of the list, but if you know me you'll know I like a bloody good camera and the best mobile phone I can justify paying for. I was really taken aback yesterday when Steve presented me with a camera he'd bought for me .. how can I say it? Well, It was shit! I just couldn't understand how he thought it would be suitable, though to be fair the idea behind it made sense. (He thought it would be handy to always have in my bag - but I always have my mobile) Today I took it out with me and took some photos with it, they were, as expected, shit! 😟Now the last thing I wanted to do was upset him or seem ungrateful so I really did give it a fair chance ... I repeat, it was shit! 🙊 Carefully, and as tactfully as I could I told him I'd tried the camera and that it was shit. No, No, I said it wasn't right for me. I showed him the photos taken on action setting and out of about 60 action and static photos about 15 were clear - ish! With most things in life I'm very easy going, but the photo of these dogs are so important to me, that one thing I do like to get right. Anyway seriously it was a lovely thought and from a place of love and kindness, such a shame it was shit!🙈🙉🙊
Did you watch the programme last night about a cluster o 4 storms coming together in California? (I think) Wow it was bloody dramatic, winds of 140mph, sand storms, rain and complete darkness within 2 mins .. well this if Fron having a go at it this morning, yes I got soaked! Interestingly I was talking to a lady in Pant Du about the wind in Fron yesterday .. she move up here from Carmel a few years back. She said after moving up just a mile from Carmel she couldn't believe the difference in the severity of the wind. I guess you have to be here to get it!