Thursday 4 April 2024

What Do You See?

I'm always preaching about posting bad photos. This is not a photo that I will post on social media, it actually makes me cringe. Of course he's turned his feet out more than they actually are, but the narrow chest, weak pasterns and 10 to 2 feet really can't be missed - and you can also conclude that he is cow hocked, but that is better than it was. I ask the same question, why does the L/C gene carry this abnormality?  Louis Donald has concluded that research proves they are linked, I guess I have to just accept that they are, and understanding it is well over my pay grade! 
I had to giggle today as someone commented on my photos that Zeus is so beautiful .. Yes I know he is, put aside the constructional issues, L/C's seem to appeal more to Joe Public, he has a stunning head and beautiful colour, but what made me giggle was the comment that he has such kindness in his eyes ... OMG  really? Wow how not to read a dog eh! Oh hell don't get me wrong mostly Zeus is great, we have a routine that works for him and us, we love him so keeping him safe is paramount ... but push this dog and I have no doubts he'd choose fight over flight. He is not like the others here, as I've said numerous times I can't be sure why, but dogs with a "past" often have baggage that we have to learn to work around. Re-homing Zeus would have needed care, he would have needed an experienced owner who could read his eye and body signals correctly. He's not an Orin, or a Ross, he's Zeus, our Zeus, often twat of the week but we love him and we hope we are giving him as much as we can to keep him safe and happy.