Friday 12 April 2024

Birthday Visitors

Yesterday morning as soon as we put the guys out the coal man arrived, we got them back in and sorted out the payments etc. Unfortunately, in that time poor Loki had had an accident and pooed in his bed, the first time in weeks. We put him out, we cleaned it, changed the bedding, got his breakfast and said nothing. 
In the afternoon, within 30 mins of coming back from picking up my prescription, an unexpected visitor with birthday gifts arrived. We had tea and cake in the kitchen and Beti absolutely stole the show. She loved the visitor, though I did have to curb her enthusiasm a couple of times, especially when the friend got up to leave and Beti set eyes on the pompom hat!!!
In the early evening another friend came to see me, hell like buses, we never see anyone and two come up the same day! Ross and Beti again could not control their enthusiasm, and Sammi had to be told off too! It is nice that they love visitors, and visiting people, but manners are important with big powerful dogs. Sadly, during the enthusiastic pacing Loki had another ancient, this time in blobs on a walk between the kitchen and middle room. I told my friend, we say nothing just clean it, being a dog person she completely understood. Loki is not a dirty house dog, he is simply an older dog who has lost muscle in the relevant places. 
Anyway, a huge thank you to everyone who sent cards, gifts and messages. It's been a nice day, just Bill and Ben out for lunch in the Newborough!