Wednesday 17 April 2024

Feeling A Little Fed Up

I'm sure the weather is getting to all of us. Every day is the same, wet, windy, misty and cold. I've given up on taking photos, after all there's nothing new to see. I did intend on getting a couple of snaps today, but with sleet and sheep I gave up. I can see these three are going to be a pain in the butt! Other than intense heat, I think I'm one who tolerates seasonal weather quite well. But where is Spring? We are halfway through it, and it still feels like mid-Winter. It was better in Porthmadog yesterday afternoon, and I was hopeful we may return to something promising, but I was wrong, though it was sunny the strong wind was bitterly cold. I'm still drying clothes on the radiators for fear my knickers may end up in Carmel .. or even further afield. 😁
I've booked the rooms for us to stay over for the Scottish show, after my experience of the last two shows I fear this may be my last all breed show for a while. I gave up on them 20 years or so ago as I started attending General Ch. Shows and found a better, friendlier crowd of people at these shows, sadly it doesn't seem to have changed and Sunday was laughable in a lot of cases. Maybe I shouldn't tar them all with the same brush but I was interested to be sent this yesterday ... "Well he almost killed 2 Champion bitches here on the hottest of summer days 1st time he judged and only 2 in the class and he still couldn't make a decision. The handlers had to swap over 4 times the class went on that long. He hasn't got the knowledge or eye for a dog to be judging. He was an obedience man so when he moved to showing he thinks that if you train them to go and go it proves they can work. He's never had a great dog himself, bred a couple of good dogs but let them go and then charged the people for training classes, handling etc. He trained them to run like a train and handled them to their titles but cost him nothing, he made money from it. Put him on the never again list. He only got 6 dogs to judge here last year after his 1st appointment, and for good reason. Not even sure how he was able to award CCs as he hasn't judged the numbers to be approved. His lack of knowledge is obvious, he can't hide it. He just keeps moving dogs up and back down the line as he hasn't a clue." Enough said! 
This morning Steve and I discussed the forthcoming shows and who is going where. He has no problems with me staying over for the Scottish one and no concerns for anything else that I'm planing to do, but when he discovered that I'm still Billy No Mates for Three Counties and The Sieger his face dropped and he walked out of the room. (I think if he could walk quicker, I'd say "Stormed out of the room" but bless him he can't, no I'm not being spiteful, just continuing the humour that we live with!) Jane is going to stay over, but with her living in Staffordshire, we will be setting off from very different locations. I'm still considering giving the Sieger a miss .. but really, it's the 150 mile trip to Malvern alone that bothers him and me more. Of course I know the way, well mostly, but going it alone is just not something I've done since before the head explosion of 2015 .... Sadly, it seems too much to ask someone to come with me just for the ride and expect them to pay for a night away .. though OMG I'm shocked to discover it's half the price of the Scottish room. 
I think I may have to go back to Specsavers as I think my vision issues have deteriorated further. I'm now on the laptop wearing the right glasses ... but struggling .. and god knows what I'm sending in texts and messanger these days as I can barely see the screen! So if you can't read what I send you hell I'm sorry!!! 
The bottom photo is Sammi! lol