Thursday 25 April 2024

Seasons And Things

Miss Sisks had been sick yesterday morning. Carrots and mud .. she still eats everything she shouldn't and often leaves me in a panic. So breakfast was left, and she wasn't quite herself for the first half of the day. This morning as we set off she barged into Orin and took a bite at him, he floored her and just stood looking down at her as she crumpled in a worried heap. I said nothing, other than, "serves you right." Having taken charge from her mother and pushed Sammi down the pecking order she really thinks she's the big I am, but it's good to know someone can still put her in her place!
Siska last came in season on the 2nd of November, so the 2nd of May it will be 6 months, but Siska has always gone 7 - 8 months between seasons. Interestingly, when she weed out this morning Orin took a long time investigating it, and then cocked his leg over it. Hmmm, now I know he takes interest in her pee for sometime before a season, but not normally for two months! I'll keep a close eye on her now, and also observe what Orin tells me! Again Siska hasn't had a dramatic moult and the new coat is now beginning to come through. Though my other bitches are coming back into coat as they come in season, Siska is usually in full coat by then. My only concern if she comes in early is that Lucca is away on holiday in Scotland on the third week of May, Siska wouldn't do that to me ... would she?  I do have a back-up plan and should things look suspicious with timing, I'll introduce you to George! 
Strangely, I had the same scenario with Loki and Beti today, her sisters have all had their first season, just Beti to go. Of course Ross isn't interested so that doesn't help, but interestingly Sammi was and she also weed next to it. Some people may find my observations odd, but living with families of dogs teaches us about their natural behaviour more so than living with a single dog. Sniffing and wee is the dogs social media! 
Last night at club as I cuddled a members dog she jumped on me, I said "Oh I don't mind," to which the owner replied "I do, we don't let our dogs jump up." Well absolutely, their dog, their rules and I will always abide by that. I'm still fighting with Beti's manners, as I've said she's very full on. Teaching her to be calm in certain situations is down to me, though of course I need the support of others if I am to succeed. Yesterday she was over enthusiastic about Linda being with us, and though it's lovely that she loves her "friends" manners are important!