Monday 4 March 2024


The last walk was going to be Zeus' walk and with head collar on we set off up the track. I noticed he was scratching at his face and realised the head collar was twisted and rubbing on his face. I called him back to adjust it, as I did he reversed backwards and instantly was free. He legged it up past Plas Braich. My stomach churned over as I instantly envisaged all scenarios. This dog has NO recall and will chase livestock. Thankfully there was no one about and as I called him he stopped, but of course, he just stood there ... I turned back calling "this way," the term I use when changing direction on the walks. He followed and legged it past me to the entrance to Pen Y Braich. I got to our top gate and opened it ... nope he wasn't coming ... I phone Steve and told him to let the bitches out into the yard and I legged it over to the yard. Zeus was still by Pen Y Braich. Sammi and Beti legged it into the contained top field and yes ... Zeus ran back and ran up and down the fence with Beti. I ran to the top gate and closed it. It was at this point that my legs went to jelly and the implications of what could have happened really hit home.
After getting the girls into the house I took 5 to compose myself then walked up to the top gate thinking Zeus would come to go for his walk, nope he wasn't coming. I called him, nope he wasn't coming. He ran around the property, returning to the fence to the top field to look for Beti. I thought well, it's your choice, if you don't want to come I can't be arsed to persuade you. Leaving him out I went into the house, I left in the bottom field alone for about 10 mins or so peaking out now and then .. and where was he? Standing by the front garden gate .. no, not waiting for me, waiting for his ball!
There is no doubt this is an odd dog with some peculiar habits, but of course he's our oddball, we manage the situations and we both love him, though some of us more than others!!!! 😏