Monday 11 March 2024

Kaiah - Kyra - Kaila

A Facebook memory really knocked me this morning, hell I cried. Beautiful Kaiah, I miss her so much. I don't often share her memories as it's still so raw, but this time with teeth gritted I did. She was just so pretty. 
Later in the morning a friend was messaging about her Orin daughter, Lyra .. with fat fingers (her words not mine) she hit K instead of L ... Kyra. Bloody hell I like that, would it be a fitting tribute for a name for Kaiah's granddaughter? Or would it be a little too close for comfort? One thing is for sure ... it's going high on the list. 
Kyra, a girl's name of Greek origin, means "lord." This name has a familiar sound, like the names Keira and Ciara, but has a different root. This name might come from the Greek word kurá, which means "lady," or from the name Cyra, the feminine version of the name Cyrus.
On listening to the correct pronunciation of Kyra I've come across Kaila, which I also like. 
Kaila is a unique girl's name of mixed origins. In Hawaiian, it translates to "stylish" or "fashionable," and can encourage your little one to express themself in the way that they want.