Sunday 17 March 2024

Last Week

We've all recovered from Crufts and Beti is living up to her whirlwind reputation. This week I've had to replace a washing basket and a phone charger, and she made confetti with a bag of newspaper that I'd bought in to light the fire. Steve has had to fix a gate ... twice .. and replace part of the water pipe which leads from the bathroom to the sewage pipe. She's got herself trapped between the small pen and the shed, several times and through the gate that she broke made her way behind the big pen .. which could have given her access off the property. (Thankfully, Orin and Siska snitched!) With the gate fixed on Tuesday, today she managed to open it and was off to the same place. In the thick mist I really thought she'd gone .. but her recall is fab and she came flying back as soon as I called her. Then of course there's the bedding .... let's not go there. Teenage puppies are a bloody handful, she's lucky she's so lovely or she'd be back on her way to Monmouth taking Ross with her! lol