Friday 29 March 2024

Gold Stars

After my rant yesterday about people having control of their dogs I was so pleased to be able to award some of the Blanik gang gold stars today. As I returned towards the van on my first walk Beti took herself off away from the pack, I could see there was nothing ahead and let her run ... but as she went further than usual I felt uneasy and called her back, "Beti come." Little Miss B came legging it back and I wanted to praise her with the enthusiasm she deserved, so I quickly shoved Sammi into the van. Sammi has read a different training manual to me and when Beti has had a similar "run-around" in the past, Sammi has floored her when she got back. Hmm, maybe we've been doing it wrong all these years, lol. Anyway, Beti thundered it straight back and leaped into the van without stopping, I said "Good girl Beti, great job," and Sammi said "You go that far again you little shit and I'll bite you!" Funny how the angel forgets she was once referred to as "The naughty Angel!"
Though the sun was shining, it was breezy and bitterly cold, and I hadn't seen a soul. Again I was returning towards the van when Orin stopped and looked my way. Wow, he's so handsome, get a picture, oh god he's still standing there he takes my breath away ... get closer to get another picture. Then the penny dropped .. he's not looking at me, what is he looking at? I looked behind me,  Ahhh two people with two dogs heading my way. "Orin come," lead on, good boy, "Siska come," lead on, good girl. The people waved an acknowledgment, I waved back, and then I stood a while trying to figure out what one of the dogs was. I got to the van, put my two in and called out .. "Excuse me, is it a Dutch?"  "No she replied a BSD Malinois." I though, Na, so I questioned "Working line?" She replied no, crossed with a GSD .. "Ah, makes sense, beautiful dog,"  and he was, though to be honest by then he was off his cake, and I was glad mine had stayed away! 
Zeus and I got a soaking on the last walk. I kind of hoped Steve would have taken Orin and Siska and the washing in, but he hadn't noticed! On the walk I left the headcollar in my pocket and walked Zeus on a pulling collar today, actually it went well, but we didn't see anyone or any sheep. I may try it again tomorrow and hope I don't regret it.