Sunday 13 December 2020

Week 5

Miss K is now starting to develop boobs, to the untrained eye she's not obviously pregnant but the 5-week changes are happening. She still looks fatter at night, funny how that always happens early on.  I measured her this morning 30.5",  she was 28" normally and 29" at 4 weeks. Sammi was 31" at 5 weeks and 29" at 4 weeks too - but of course this was Sammi's second litter. As I've said before there is no conclusion really from measuring other than seeing that they are growing.  I first did it in 2016 when I was told from the 5-week scan that Sammi seemed to be reabsorbing the foetuses. You may recall I was told to go back in 10 days, but I was convinced that Sammi was pregnant and that there was some minimal abdominal enlargement. I felt measuring her was the only way I could prove to myself that I wasn't seeing things ... and I wasn't! All of her other "symptoms" could have been hormonal, but for an abdominal enlargement well logically something was growing in there!  
A soggy Kaiah had just arrived and those two HUGE boys - how did Sammi ever give birth to them?

The plan had always been for me to continue my line through Kaiah and then to mate Sammi so Sarah could have her Sammi daughter. Sarah has always preferred Sammi to Kaiah, though constructionally I think Kaiah is the better bitch, but when making that statement I should never forget that Sammi produced Kaiah! Sarah has handled both bitches at Champ shows from youngsters, only fair she should have the puppy she wanted out of the bitch she preferred. 
You know as hard as it is to accept at the time, sometimes things happen for a reason. Had Kaiah had her first litter a year ago then I would now be rearing Sammi's litter. Now Sammi is as fit as a flea, but hard as it is to accept she will be 7 years old in 10 days, so yeah really it was better that she had her litter first. Sammi now loves spending time with Orin, and of course had things gone to the original plans then maybe we wouldn't now have Baby O now either. So yeah, despite the heartache of 12 months ago maybe, just maybe it has been for the best.
Sarah steering Kaiah to that wonderful 4th place at Crufts 2019
Now I must find the video 
Sarah and Sammi at WKC Champ Show