Friday 11 December 2020

The First Photos

So here they are, the Blanik "L" litter. Here's hoping they all make it safely into the world, and we get plenty of  photos of them next year. Between the mating in 2019 and this mating we have learned so much about Kaiah and her fertility. Idexx suggest that bitches progesterone levels double ever 48 hrs, there is no doubt that Kaiah and many other GSD bitches increase a lot quicker. Having learned that lesson with Kaiah last time I was not taking chances this time. There is no doubt that Kaiah had already flown over her fertile period when she was mated to Zalu last year, and if it wasn't for the tests and a better understanding of her reproductive system then we would not have got her pregnant this time either. The lessons learned from the heartache last year have been invaluable this time. Luckily Sisco was only 2 hrs away and as an experienced stud dog he knew exactly the day to mate her, the other two days were just a waste of his energy!
So if you are reading this and are on my waiting list now is the time to confirm your interest in this litter. As I've said before I will be picky, I will only sell to what I consider to be the best of homes and with so many names on my list sadly there will not be puppies for everyone.