Saturday 26 December 2020

Boxing Day

Walk one and a chat with Larry delayed things. Larry "The Goose Man" came marching over as quick as he could. He always reminds me that he's afraid of dogs and that they always bite him, but he blames himself as he doesn't know how to be around them. I always put mine on the lead when I see people anyway and Larry's need for a chat is greater than his fear of dogs. There are very few people that I spend time talking to on my walks, Larry is an exception, he's an eccentric, interesting and pleasant man. 
The kids had their new toys today, but Ziva decided she didn't want hers, well not until Asha decided she did want it anyway! Three new orange toys as tradition for Xmas. Ross now has 4 kongs, 2 black and 2 orange, though the older orange one really was on it's last legs.

Twice I put him back and both times as I turned round to take the photo Orin was rolling in the heather, ah well best take it like this then, at least he's the right way up. I've taken to carrying a small towel with me on the walks in case Kaiah goes in water. Normal moderate exercise is now very important, but rock climbing and jumping in ditches is not so wise ... Yes I'm paranoid and constantly watching her!