Thursday 14 September 2017

Harry The Spider

Last night Sammi and Kaiah kept going over to the water bowl and just looking in. Intrigued I had to have a look, and found there was quite a large spider taking a swim in the water. At this time of year I often find dead, drowned spiders in the water bowl, but this guy was alive. Now I'm not the best with spiders, I'm not terrified, I'm not going to run and scream but I'm not comfortable. Anyway I was not going to let it die, life is precious. I got the nearest thing on hand which was a dog toy and let it climb up the toy out of the water. It did this a damn site quicker than I expected and as it got nearer to my hand panic set in and I threw they toy, spider and all to the ground. I would have preferred to have got him outside but still I felt a slight pride in my achievement of saving the life of one of my least favourite creatures.
I sat back down just as Ziva jumped into action. I saw her head tilt, she grabbed the spider as it ran past her, one crunch and she swallowed it. After all that she ate the bloody spider! Sorry mate I tried .... and now I give up!