Monday 4 September 2017

Changing Everyday

Last night I came across photos of little Teddy on Facebook. He's 5 months old now and my god he looks amazing. At 3 months old he looks the spit of Ross now. Though he does look a slightly heavier set puppy, I could honestly have been convinced the puppy I was looking at was Ross. Having no experience of owning a sable what I just couldn't get over was the huge colour changes in him between 3 and 5 months, with a noticeable difference between 3 and a half months and 4 months. He looked a different puppy in just those 2 weeks. So today at just over 3 months I decided I would try and get a photo of Ross as he looks now .. and then try again in a weeks time. Of course there will be photos in between, but I'll try and get one of him stood naturally once a week now as well as a head shot and stance photo at 4 months old.
Ross Today 
This was taken on the 22/8/17 
so just under 2 weeks ago. 
Now let's wait a week and see what happens