Sunday 29 July 2012

Walkies One And Two

Walk No1
Kiri, Finlay and Louis
This is an old railway line in Rhostryfan. I love the place, but I hadn't been able to face going there since loosing Kai. It was another of the special places that he and I went with Kiri. With his birthday fast approaching I'm thinking a lot about him, and as soon as I woke up this morning I decided I had to go down there today. Though my heart is slowly healing, I still get very emotional as I think about how he was stolen from me far too young.
What I didn't think of today was the regular kissing gates that take you across the roads. They were never a problem with Kai and Kiri but I had to be one step ahead with Finlay as he's use to just barging through gates like this on the mountain.

Walk No2
Jezi, Ziva, Mikey, Asha and Tali
Back onto our mountain as it's so much easier with five. In Rhostryfan the dogs have to be taken out of the van on the road. No problem with just a couple or so, but not practical with 5. It was Ziva first walk with Mikey after her season, so nice to have them all back together.