Sunday 29 April 2012


Thanks for asking about Louis and giving me a nudge to update the information.... Louis' no better really, though the steroids do encourage him to eat. He had terrible diarrhea in his bed again last night, I don't think he has time to give us warning. He looks awful, he's so thin these days that his eyes appear sunken, he really looks like an old dog. But ... And it's a huge BUT, he's still totally oblivious to it all, full of beans, funny, playful and as cuddly as ever. As long as he doesn't feel the way he looks then we are all OK about it.. Michail the vet has laid it out honestly for me, the green poo is down to small bleeds in the intestine,they are neither here nor there. But if he has a rupture then there will be nothing they can do. I'm glad to have the information, it helps me to know and deal with it. But believe me I'm not dwelling on it, I'm enjoying every day with him, It's hard not too when he's throwing himself at me like an idiot!