Friday 20 April 2012

It Doesn't Get Better ...

Last night we finally came to the conclusion that Danni and Jezi can no longer live together. 4 fights in 2 weeks, with gashes and cuts on both. One of them will have to go before someone really gets hurt. We are both heartbroken but for the sake of everyone we feel we have no choice. I always predicted that Ziva and Jezi would be trouble together as Danni was quite submissive as a youngster. But times have changed and though I still think Danni fears Jezi she won't be bullied these days! So the search for a home restarts and at present we would be willing to let either go if the home was right for them.

Despite new medication and a prescription diet Louis has had diarrhea all week. Though he is still a happy bunny it must be distressing for him to have an "accident" in the house, and worse still in his bed. He is down to 27kg again and I'm no very worried about his future. I phoned the vet this morning and she is concerned that the Sulphasalazine didn't help him. I'm going to collect him some Metronidazole and some steroids shortly. And so the period of "hope" begins again .....