Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Long Painful Silence Is Broken

The notifications came in at just after 2am today ... nice to be woken up by George in the middle of the night. If you do chose to read, the bottom tweet is the first ....
  1. Symphonica the album is ready to go, and i hope it rekindles memories of the nights we spent together over the last few years.xx
  2. in case you've forgotten what I sound like altogether , there is a small gift for you at . I hope you enjoy it. xxx
  3. 13h
  4. Suffice to say that 2013 was a year that i am glad to put behind me and that i hope you can forgive me  for
  5. 13h
  6. Firstly, I can only apologise from the bottom of my heart for worrying you for so long with my silence.
  7. 13h
  8. HELLO MY LOVELIES !!! A belated happy new year to you all.