Sunday 2 April 2023

Moulting And Neutering

Coat changes in bitches after spaying is normal, the coat usually becomes through thicker and there is no predictable time to pinpoint moulting as there is in entire females. Sammi currently looks like an explosion. 
Now, I've no experience of a neutered normal coated male, but I think I'm about to learn about it from first-hand experience. Ross has been moulting for weeks, it's a never ending explosion of hair. He now looks almost as bad as he did in his junior moult. What coat he has left is thin, coarse and dry. So what happens next? Will his new coat be thicker than his previous coats, well I honestly haven't got a clue. I just hope he soon stops moulting or he'll be naked! If I'd have known there would only be coat changes, I still wouldn't have changed my mind re neutering.
So, staying with the change of mind statement, as the weeks go on yes there are some regrets, it's not that Ross had a change in personality, it's like he's returned to his juvenile delinquent self. Ross has always been "loud and annoying" but now he's loud and more annoying than ever. He has always been jealous and possessive of his things, now that is more intense and where previously he was respectful he now seems oblivious of his place within the pack with the girls. Luckily for him there is no Tali to take offence, though Kaiah has considered her options on occasions. Siska is happy to take him on but they are only playing, and Sammi, well she's as tolerant as ever of him. Yes it was wonderful to not have to separate him from Siska when she was in season and he and Orin are getting on Ok, but with the information I have now and the digs I'm getting from Steve regarding his behaviour, would I do it again? ... Hmm I'm not quite sure.  I have a lot of experience of spayed female, bitches neutered at 5 - 6 years old really don't seem to change except for the better as they do not become hormonal, but Ross, well he has changed and sadly not necessarily for the better in all ways!