Tuesday 25 January 2022

There's Always One

Well there's always someone who wants to stick the knife in isn't there. As I've said before, if you are going to slag off someone's dog, or even a group of dogs be careful who you say it to! I have been told that a fellow breeder, but not a friend, said it was a good thing that Dax won the ticket on Saturday as the rest of the line-up was crap. Err hang on a minute misses Orin and Callan were in that line up, where was yours? Not there .. put your money where your mouth is and see us in the ring. I must admit after such a high it slightly put the dampeners on it all; but I'm over it now, and I'm damned if I'll let the likes of her piss on my parade again. 
On a positive note I had a message from Dax' owner, she had watched the video from the challenge over and over and truly believe that Orin should have won the RCC. It was really nice to hear her opinion, but O is still very young, let's hope his day will come! 
My father is starting his Chemo infusion tomorrow. Sadly the cancer in his spine has surged over recent weeks. We called in today and he looked and felt awful. I honestly could have cried, but made a conscious effort not to and just talked as much as I could about this, that, and the other. 
Whilst I was at the show on Sunday Steve had tried to integrate Loki back into the pack at home. He said Loki was tense and stood stiff and growling the whole time. How odd, I walk them together and then bring them in together without any tension at all. Anyway Steve felt uncomfortable about it and decided to put Loki in the bedroom. Apparently Ross was oblivious to the tension, no surprise there, when he's not taking me out he's a great lad!